Issue Tracking System

What is an Issue Tracking System (ITS) and how does it work?


Ralph Bockisch
Ralph Bockisch

A countless number of customer inquiries flutter into the company's customer service departments every day. It is not easy to maintain an overview, treat everyone equally and, moreover, address the queries adequately. But not only is the processing of customer inquiries important. In the best case, the content and solution of the request are saved in the customer file so that both parties have the current state of knowledge at the next contact. You can read exactly how this works in the following article.


Definition: What is an Issue Tracking System (ITS)?

An issue tracking system (ITS) is software within a company that collects incoming customer enquiries, clusters them and forwards them to the correct function. "Customer enquiries" also stands for internal enquiries, as the enquirers are regarded as customers. Even enquiries or, better, messages from systems, machines, installations and devices can be included here. These customer enquiries are then processed in the respective functional centre. The issue tracking system has many names, for example it is also known as a helpdesk system, support ticket system, ticketing system and request tracking system.

The aim of issue tracking is to ensure that no customer enquiry is lost and that all enquiries are processed in such a way that the customer receives a prompt response. It doesn't matter which channel the enquiry arrives at the company via - email, chat, fax, letter or similar. High-quality and modern issue tracking software also has interfaces to bug trackers, GitHub and CRM systems. Standardised workflows automate the exchange of data with the GitHub request and the helpdesk. Bugs, feature requests and further communication, including with customer relationship management, provide all team members with a comprehensive overview.

How does issue tracking software work?

In most cases, an issue tracking system works via a ticket system. The customer enquiry comes into the company via various channels, where it is converted into a ticket, assigned an urgency level and then forwarded to the responsible functional unit / specialist department, where it is then processed. The ITS function only ends when the customer's enquiry has been fully answered.

In addition to recording and distributing enquiries, issue tracking systems also fulfil the following functions, among others:

    Monitoring the processing time and quality
    Analyses and reporting on the ticket volume in the dashboard
    Keeping service promises, including with SLAs
    Collecting questions and answers for FAQs
    And much more.

An ITS is therefore a useful and, above all, labour-saving tool in customer service. If a company decides to implement such an ITS, what should it look out for?

Choosing an issue tracking system

As with all planned software or system implementations, it is also important for those responsible in the company to consider the following questions, among others, before introducing an issue tracking system:

    What technical requirements do we bring to the company and how can these be combined with new software?
    Which interfaces are necessary or desired?
    What time, staff and budget resources can we provide?
    What exactly are the problems that a top issue tracking software should solve and what requirements do we therefore have of the system?

The necessary requirements may include compatibility with different communication channels, quick and uncomplicated installation, a trial version on offer and connection to the company's own CRM.

There are many providers of issue tracking systems. Choosing the right one for your company is therefore not easy and the wealth of different functions is often confusing. It is therefore helpful to have trained service staff on hand to provide you with advice and non-binding assistance.

Frequently asked questions - FAQs

What functions does an ITS offer in relation to projects?

An ITS allows you to manage resources, track progress, create reports and assign tasks in projects.

How can dashboards be used in an ITS?

Dashboards are used to clearly visualise important metrics such as the progress of tasks and projects.

What are bugs in the context of an ITS?

Bugs are errors or problems in the software that can be detected, tracked and fixed through the use of an ITS.

How can features be managed with an ITS?

An ITS enables the assignment, management and tracking of new features or functionalities in a software project.

What role does issue tracking play in an ITS?

Issue tracking refers to the systematic recording, management and resolution of problems or errors within a project or software.

How does an ITS support notification of activities and updates?

An ITS can manage and send notifications and updates on project progress, task status and other relevant information.

How are SLAs (Service Level Agreements) managed in an ITS?

An ITS enables the definition, monitoring and adherence to SLAs to ensure customer satisfaction and performance levels.

Issue tracking, helpdesk all standardised in EcholoN

With its ticket system, EcholoN offers a tool that is suitable for recording and managing enquiries, fault reports and issues. It enables the structured and uncomplicated processing of enquiries by bundling and assigning tickets to the relevant functions or departments. Service resources are perfectly utilised and time is saved.

Each process is documented and assigned to the respective customer. This means that the next time you speak to this customer, you know the current status and can follow up directly. It doesn't matter which channel the customer enquiry uses to reach the company: telephone systems, chat systems and email accounts can all be integrated into EcholoN's trouble ticket system. Systems, machines and equipment etc. are linked via the data workflow system.

With so many issue tracking system providers on the market, you may be unsure which solution is right for you. The staff at EcholoN are your friendly point of contact when it comes to non-binding assistance on this topic. Simply give us a call and let us advise you - we look forward to your enquiry.